All our short courses including Try it for a day, Star and Gateway

This short course covers the theory and practical requirements, including practical assessment, as set out by the Electricity Regulations and is designed for registered plumbers and gasfitters who are required to work with electrical or electronic appliances, and associated electrical/electronic equipment and fittings.

The course covers:

* Safe electrical practice
* Fundamental electrical theory and practice
* Practical electrical work – including testing of plumbing and gasfitting appliances up to 230 volts
* Disconnection, isolation and re-connection of electrical appliances
* Testing of appliances and equipment
* Basic first aid and CPR

The course is delivered in-conjunction with Unitec ‘s EAS course (previously known as ESTA) and an additional session is provided for plumbing and gasfitting appliances.

This short course is open to candidates who have been advised by the Electrical Workers’ Registration Board of their eligibility to complete this course, which is designed to assess the practical skills gained either on the job or from previous training courses for electrical workers that want to meet the standards required by the EWRB ( in order to meet Stage One and Two practical requirements for an electrician within New Zealand.

While this course does not include basic first aid, which you must have to complete Stage One, you could enrol in a Basic First Aid and CPR short course offered by Unitec’s Department of Nursing. For more information go to