BSNS5391 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

To provide students with a broad overview of the principles, theories, and practice of innovation, entrepreneurship, and new venture development. Learning outcomes (LO)

LO 1: Explore the nature of innovation, entrepreneurship, and enterprise Define innovation, entrepreneurship, small business, and enterprise;

LO 2: Identify and contrast the characteristics of the entrepreneur with the student’s own talents, strengths, and interests

LO 3: Identify the characteristics for an effective new venture team

LO 4: Discuss the processes of innovation and entrepreneurship

LO 5: Discuss the ethical implications of decisions made by entrepreneurs and innovators

LO 6: Discuss the business opportunity identification and screening process

LO 7: Identify and apply the tools that entrepreneurs should collect for their personal toolkit

LO 8: Discuss the context for entrepreneurship in New Zealand