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Unitec eLearn (Moodle) site off campus access update

Unitec eLearn (Moodle) site off campus access update

'mei a Yong Liu - 'aho
Number of replies: 0
Unitec eLearn (Moodle) temporary worldwide access available

Dear all,

Our eLearn (Moodle) website (this site)
on-campus and nationwide access is available.

International students and staff can access this site by using the following steps:
  1. Go to Unitec's corporate website
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  3. Click "Moodle International Students" .
Alternatively use this link to access:

Our IT technicians are still working on improving international accessibility. We will continue to inform you of any progress.

Kind regards

Te Puna Ako
Unitec Institute of Technology