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Moodle Enrolment Change

Moodle Enrolment Change

Yong Liu發表於
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Note to all staff using Moodle

As discussed and posted previously, the change over to the new class date based enrollment system has been done on 07/12/2011 to allow for Summer School classes starting.

This means that all Summer (and future 2012->) classes will auto-enroll Peoplesoft students from 1 week prior to the Peoplesoft classes start dates and will un-enrol ready for the next semester 2 weeks after the Peoplesoft classes end dates. This allows access to student data for marking.

These classes start and end dates are recorded in PeopleSoft, created by departments when designing the courses.

Existing students in semester 2, 2011 will be un-enroled 4 weeks after the classes end dates.

If your courses do not have a three week break between and you are concerned about overlapping students, contact us please.

Please ensure that your future course dates are accurate in Peoplsoft.


eTeam, Te Puna Ako.

Unitec Institute of Technology