Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling programme courses

Course aims and short content overview:  This course will enable students to develop an experiential and theoretical understanding of the philosophy and skills of collaborative practices.  Students will develop practical skills and responses to a range of client issues.  Bi-cultural and ethical issues are an essential component of this course.  Students will experience a marae noho on the Unitec marae.  The course will enable students to set up and negotiate an appropriate placement to meet the requirements of the Counselling Practicum course.

Course outline:  This course will enable students to research and extend their understanding of the broad field of collaborative practice. The focus will be on clinical practice development and the ability to articulate the links between theory and practice building on their understanding of kaupapa Maori and Tikanga.


Course outline: This course will enable students to manage a client case load with appropriate managerial and professional supervision and be able to account for the safety and effectiveness of their practice. Students will reflect on and critique their own practice, articulating the links between theory and practice. A minimum of 200 face to face counselling hours with 20 hours of professional supervision is required.

Course aims and short content overview: to enable students to develop and extend clinical expertise in a diverse range of whanau, family, couple and group situations.  Students will research practice with a particular group of clients.